Margot Robbie was in talks to star in Ghost in the Shell  at one bespeak - and now we have the concept art to bear witness it. Scarlett Johansson plays The Major in Ghost in the Trounce, though past now fans of the original anime/manga holding are no incertitude quite familiar with the controversy that has surrounded the film, with respect to its casting decisions.

It stands to reason that the aforementioned whitewashing criticisms surroundingGhost in the Shell (and the subsequent negative touch of those complaints) would take all the same applied, had Robbie taken on the role of The Major rather than Johansson. Notwithstanding, for those who are curious about what might have been, there's now official concept artwork from the picture show available, showing Robbie as the cybernetic Major instead of Johansson.

Concept artist Jeff Simpson recently shared some of the designs that he and his team did forGhost in the Shell back in 2013-fourteen, with the idea that Robbie would be starring in the moving-picture show. In these images (come across the gallery below), Robbie'southward face up is now attached to the skin vanquish that Johansson dawns in the live-action moving-picture show. There are some differences in term of The Major's face up here and Robbie'due south, but this concept art yet offers a proficient approximation of how the actress would accept looked in the pic.

[vn_gallery name="Ghost in the Trounce – Margot Robbie Artwork" id="940577"]

While there is no denying the star condition that Robbie now has after her roles inThe Wolf of Wall Street andSuicide Team, having her in the lead office would not have solved whatever of the backlash that Ghost in the Crush has received. Paramount has already admitted that its casting of white leads impacted the box role returns in a negative manner; and then even though Robbie may look good in these designs (without taking other factors into consideration), it would not inverse the larger response to her casting, except that in this scenario the critiques would have been directed at Robbie and not Johansson.

That said,Ghost in the Shell is a franchise that will more than likely not keep past this first installment. Paramount is expected to lose over $60 meg on the project, which should all but can any possible future installments. If the movie performs better than expected internationally, then it is possible that discussion of a Ghost in the Beat sequel volition be revisited. However, at this stage, it would exist surprising if Paramount moved forward with a property that has this much baggage already.

Source: Jeff Simpson

  • Ghost in the Shell (2017)Release date: Mar 31, 2017

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