Every installation of Windows has a major version, a specific version, and a build number. While yous might never, ever need to know the specific version or the build number of your Windows installation, it is important to know which major version of Windows your machine is running.

Additionally, information technology looks similar future updates to Windows volition come in the course of new Windows 10 builds every 6 months. In other words, future updates might be called something like Windows ten [Build Name]. The latest version of Windows 10 is 20H2, released on October 20, 2020. The next versions in 2021 will be 21H1 and 21H2.

This makes sense because Microsoft is moving away from making coin on licensing specific versions of software and towards making coin on software as a service (SaaS) where your software subscription includes hereafter updates.

If indeed that'south the way it plays out with updates to Windows 10. Eventually, it will be of import to know the build number/proper name of the instance of Windows 10 installed on your estimator.

Why Should I Care?

Past knowing which version of Windows you have, you'll be in good shape when information technology comes time to update device drivers or determine what apps y'all can install on your computer.

Furthermore, when y'all search for instructions on how to practice something specific on your estimator, you can ensure that the instructions are tailored for your operating system.

What Do I Need to Know?

In addition to the major version, the specific version, and the build number, you'll also want to know whether your installation of Windows is 32-bit or 64-fleck. That, likewise, can decide what software will work on your computer or which set of instructions to follow. We'll show yous how to notice all those pieces of information below.

What's What: Major Version, Specific Version, and Build Number

The major version is the edition of Windows. If your computer is new, it is extremely probable that it'southward running Windows ten. Support for Windows seven ended on Jan fourteen, 2020.

As you might doubtable, Microsoft recommends that yous "motion to a Windows ten PC" and so they can automatically push button security upgrades to your PC. That's all well and good if yous have the resources to go a new computer running Windows 10. Just if you don't, information technology'southward notwithstanding useful to know what version of Windows yous have.

The specific version of Windows will be a number, most likely four digits, like 1909. The build number volition be a longer numeric string, such as 19041.867. As mentioned above, future builds of Windows ten are predictable to have names, not numbers.

How to Detect Your Windows Version

Nosotros'll show yous several ways to discover what version of Windows is installed on your estimator. Each method reveals different types of information, and then cull the best one based on your needs.

Using File Explorer

  1. Launch Windows File Explorer by pressing Win+E or by typing File Explorer in the Windows search bar and selecting the app.
  2. Notice This PC on the left. In older versions of Windows, look for My Calculator.
  3. Correct-click on This PC (or My Computer).
  4. Select Properties.
  1. That will brandish a window showing bones information about your PC, including the version of Windows that information technology'southward running.

If you're running Windows 10 20H2 or higher, yous'll now exist brought to the system information (About) page in Settings rather than Control Panel:

The Command Panel shows that the PC is running Windows 10 Pro and has a 64-flake Operating System. This screen does not tell you the build number of Windows or version. The new Almost screen in the Settings app, nevertheless, give you all of that data.

Using Winver

Here's another way to decide the version of Windows you accept that volition likely work whether y'all have Windows ten, Windows viii, or Windows vii.

  1. Hold downward the Windows key and press R (Win+R) to launch the Run dialogue or type Run into Windows search and select Run.
  1. Blazon Winver.
  1. Press Enter or select the OK push button.
  2. That volition launch an About Windows console with all the info you're looking for.

The screenshot above shows united states of america that the PC is running Windows 10, Version 2004, and Build 19041.867.

Using the Command Panel or Settings App

You can utilise either the Settings app or Control Panel to become information about your PC. Slowly, Microsoft is migrating to the Settings app, so we'll start there.

Click on the Start button and then click on the Settings icon (gear).

Click on Organization.

Finally, click on About at the bottom of the left-paw pane. This will bring yous to the aforementioned About screen every bit mentioned in the outset method above.

The second method is via the Control Panel. This method volition evidence yous the version of Windows on your PC equally well as the organisation type – whether it's a 64-scrap operating system or a 32-bit one.

  1. Blazon control console in the search bar.
  1. Select Command Panel to launch the control panel app.
  2. Search the Control Panel for Arrangement.
  1. Select Arrangement.
  2. That will display a window showing bones data almost your PC.

Again, you'll get the new About screen in the Settings app every bit mentioned above if you are running the latest version of Windows.

Via Arrangement Information

If you like, you lot tin bypass the Control Console and go straight to Windows' System Information app by following these steps.

  1. Type organisation in the Windows search bar.
  2. Select the Arrangement Information app to launch information technology.
  1. In the System Summary panel, y'all'll see both your Windows major version, its specific version, and the build number. You'll also encounter the System Type, either 64-scrap or 32-bit.

When in Dubiety, Use the Command Prompt

If you prefer using the control prompt, hither's how to find out which version of Windows is running on your PC. This method should work no thing which version of Windows y'all're running.

  1. Concur down the Windows cardinal and press R (Win+R) to launch the Run dialogue or type Run into Windows search and select Run.
  2. Type cmd and press Enter or select the OK push button.
  1. Blazon ver in the control terminal.
  1. Press Enter
  2. That will display the version number of Windows, including the specific version number.

BONUS: For Computers Running Windows eight

If yous followed one of the methods above and plant that your PC is running Windows 8, you lot tin notice more than information past following these steps:

  1. Utilise your mouse to point to the lower-right corner of your display.
  2. Move the mouse pointer up to reveal the Settings choice.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Change PC Settings.
  5. Select PC and devices and then PC info.
  6. Under the heading Windows, you'll come across which edition and version of Windows is installed on the device. Moreover, under the PC heading, it volition say whether you're running a 32-fleck or 64-bit version of windows.